@EpsilonAdmin Ok, I see all the widgets when I click the [+], including your WPFTS::Live Search widget!
I will not be using the WPFTS widget in the sidebar for now, but I will definitely remember it in the future.
As for the theme, I am using the Astra (free) theme. The Quick Links Sidebar that you see in the image attachment to my last post is the sidebar that appears on all the pages, including the post archive page. You can see the archive page here:
[https://staging4.hamlinny.org/news/](link url)
I am pretty sure I am using the Astra theme's default search results page, because I don't remember specifying otherwise.
I will search the forum for the Astra Theme to see if I can find any more info. In the meantime, if you can take a look at the Astra theme and see if there is any way to make it display the additional information on the search results page, that would be great!
FYI, I edited one of the existing DLP documents, and the Author field at the bottom was already specified. I also added an author (the same author) on the right hand side in the DLP edit screen, and also added an Excerpt. However, after saving everything and clearing cache, and re-searching, still only the document title shows up on the search results page.
I am attaching the edit screen for the DLP document, so you can see what I am talking about.
I am also attaching a closeup of the Astra Settings section of the DLP edit screen, where you can select the type of sidebar, but I don't know if that is relevant to my problem or not.
I can provide login credentials to the staging site via email, if you think it would help your investigation. Just let me know.
I appreciate all your help!