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installed but results doesn't seems to be ok.

  • I've installed the plugin with an evaluation key. I've got 5 day left to test.
    Indexing is ok but when i use my front search the result skip the .pdf indexed.
    Here's my search form :

    <form method="get" class="cmt-site-searchform" action="">
    <div class="w-search-form-h">
    <div class="w-search-form-row">
    <div class="w-search-input">
    <input type="search" class="field searchform-s" name="s" placeholder="Rechercher...">
    <button type="submit"><span class="cmt-duplexo-icon-search"></span></button>

    Do i need anything else ?

  • Sorry, I just detected your message.

    Please could you follow this small guide? If it does not help, write to me here again. I will need to know the theme you're using and, possibly, the URL of your website to make some checks.

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We are a professional IT-team. Many of us have been working in a Web IT field for more than 10 years. Our advanced experience of software development has been employed in the creation of the WordPress FullText Search plugin. All solutions implemented into the plugin have been used for 5 or more years in over 60 different web-projects.

We are looking forward to your comments, requests and suggestions in relation to the current plugin and future updates.


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