@epsilonadmin custom block.
Here is info how to create block - https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/blog/acf-5-8-introducing-acf-blocks-for-gutenberg/
So we register new block, assigned fields for this block.
We add block on page. When I try to search phrase from one of these field - page not added to search result
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how to add buttons to the search engine
Hi @guarani23
So, you want these buttons to be an alternative way to enter respective letters into the search string, right?
For example, if I want to enter the word “NIÑO”, but I have no such letters on the keyboard, I can enter “NI” and then press the “Ñ” button above and it appears in the search box. Is it correct?
In this case you could add a very simple javascript to the page that will catch button clicks and copy letters to the input text.
Do you need me to help you with this js code?
@EpsilonAdmin YES, this is exactly what I urgently need right now.
thanks for the reply -
@guarani23 Can you send me access to your website to the private messages? I can make a code, it's really simple.